Germ Shine - by Foxi Avenue
“Exposure by Rachael did a fantastic job with my product photos! My product is not something most people are familiar with, and I wanted to be able to explain it in pictures. I told Rachael what I wanted and she captured it perfectly! The photos are stellar. If you are looking for a product photographer, Exposure by Rachael is the one!”
As much as I want to be caught up on my blogging, posting, planning, marketing… it’s been an eventful year. Between Covid, wrecking my car, potty training and a 20 month old deciding that sleeping overnight isn’t important… I’m behind. The one thing I’m not behind on is shooting and editing.
Terri at Foxi Avenue asked if I would be interested in photographing her Germ Shine box with one of my kids. Adelei is the only one really old enough to understand it. And we have been talking about the importance of washing our hands lately with this “bug” going around. So of course, I said yes!
I set up time to photograph with our Miss Hillary and Adelei. We explored the box and the blue light and the sticker and the coloring pages. The fun seemed endless. It took a promise of chocolate to get Adelei to allow the box to be put away.
Since then, Adelei has mentioned the “Germ Box” every day. Multiple times a day. I told her we needed to wait until Miss Terri lets us know that she is happy with the pictures we sent to her. Adelei assured me that she would be happy but that she would wait. Guys. She’s 3!
I’m happy to report that Miss Terri is in fact happy with her pictures and Adelei is allowed to show her almost 2 year old younger brother the prized “germ box.”