Collab # 15

One of the best things about these collabs for me is that it gives me a prompt. A project. A problem to solve. The more I shoot them, the more I try to come up with a narrative behind the image. I don’t want to just throw props in. I want to have a story to tell.

In this case, we were taking the kids to Pittsburgh for the first time. My brother came with us and we had a blast. We parked near PNC Park and walked across the bridge to Point State Park. Because of COVID the fountain was not running. There was a nice amount of people still out walking. Enough to remind you that we aren’t living in the apocalypse.

So, what pushed us to do this? Clara Beaus Co made these super cute Yinz shirts and Adeleis bows and sent them to us. She was looking for something that looked like Pittsburgh. Can you get much more Pittsburgh than the Point?


Collab # 16


Collab # 14