2022… a wrap up
2022 opened calmly and with the relief of a fresh start for the books. I had a few sessions lined up. I took a few weeks off to recover from a very busy Christmas season. Then came the cancellations. It was ok. But then my parents had Covid in the beginning of March. We also got Covid in May. I had to cancel spring mini sessions due to the virus running through our home.
The actual 2022 season for me didn’t really pick up until later in the year. I lost several months of work due to sickness. Then the colds hit. After years of staying away from as many germs as possible… this was the year we were going to pay for it.
That all being said, I was asked to speak at an event about my success and how I reached it. In a year I was not feeling successful. I went completely blank on what to talk about. My husband reminded me that this job… my contribution to the family, was intended to be flexible. That even though I was supposed to contribute monetarily, I was also the first option for childcare for the kiddos. I spent a lot of time working from 9 pm to 2 am. And we were every bit as flexible as possible for the kids.
2022 wasn’t nothing. I still had an opportunity to photograph some really fun sessions. I have some clients I’m really excited to work with coming up. I’m looking forward to fresh books and sharing some of this content. I know better than to claim 2023 as my year. But I can still be excited about it.