Collab # 33

Madison was looking for pictures of a 12 month old next to cows. I was so excited to tell her I could find cows! After receiving the handmade cow print romper in the mail, we took a drive out to my friends family dairy farm. The sun was on the wrong field, the cows were in a far pasture. It just didn’t work out.
I came back later to find all the cows hiding in the barn. 88’ weather… I would have hidden from the sun too.

I took Torben out of the car and got him dressed. I admired the little romper on him. The owner of the farm was there and we discussed the cows. He said, why don’t you pop him up on the tractor. I responded that as long as it isn’t a green one, I’ll be good. Torben wasn’t so sure.

He then suggested heading in the fence toward the barn. I never ever would have done this without him. In we went. Me wishing I had not worn my flip flops. We got closer to the barn and the cows sure enough came out. They are very curious beings. We retreated once I had gotten a few shots and the cows headed to the wrong field. We headed toward the pasture they were in and got close enough to get them to follow us back to the other pasture. Those girls just came right up to him! And sweet Torben just wanted to play with the kitties. He didn’t even notice the big girl behind him.

I’m just glad to have these pictures of him. And so happy to help Madison from Nora C. Boutique.


Word of the Year?


Collab # 32